Designed to replenish an exhaust load and offer comfortable air tempering in cooler outdoor air conditions.
Deliver the most efficient tempered make-up air for commercial and industrial applications requiring gas heat. For indoor or outdoor installations.
Deliver clean tempered make-up air for applications requiring gas utilizing a heat exchanger. For indoor or outdoor installations.
Deliver tempered make-up air for commercial and industrial applications requiring electric heat. For indoor or outdoor installations.
Designed to replenish an exhaust load and offer comfortable air tempering in warmer outdoor air conditions.
Delivers cool and humidified air for hot, dry climates.
Factory packaged air conditioning and heating unit, 360-600 CFM/ton. For a variety of air tempering applications.
Replenishes an exhaust load or handles air without tempering.
Works as a gravity vent to provide fresh air or offer pressure relief.
Delivers fresh air for applications requiring frequent air changes or pressure relief. For a variety of ventilation applications.
Indoor installation, side discharge only. Delivers fresh air for applications requiring frequent air changes.
Indoor or outdoor installation, up/down/side discharge available. For applications requiring frequent air changes.
A variety of make-up air accessories for the RuppAir modular line.
Designed to deliver cool tempered make-up air for applications with warm outdoor fresh air requirements.
Designed to deliver warm tempered make-up air for applications with cool outdoor fresh air requirements.
Diffusers, intake hoods, V-bank filter sections, and curb accessories for specific make-up air requirements.